Saturday, March 27, 2010

The history and progress of Muslim-Jew relations!

Last night I received a mail from a close Muslim friend depicting the atrcoties by ISRAEL on people sharing Muslim values in Palestine and if I would've been a Muslim,it would make blood burst out of my veins!!(though I grieved it as a human-being.)But then I realised the feeling was of a "What can be done" kind spontaneously instead of a layman aggressive oneand that's what foreign diplomatic interaction is all about.
Moving on,I start briefly with the history of Jews from the 12 tribes to their settlement,what we call Israel today.Throughout their journey they have suffered torture and affliction time and again,most recently by Hitler-led Nazis.During Roman empire,they were protected by kings because of their good services and partly because Catholics' religion won't let christians lend money and hence they emerged as prominent money-lenders though virtually as slaves to the Christian kings.
Church's influence on Roman empire made them follow "Convert or die"policy.Large-scale displacements under different empires and massacres have reduced them to a paltry 12-13 million worldwide!!After Muhammad's demise in 7th Century AD, they worked under Muslims in the middle-east and were happy enough with their respectable servility rather than Church's oppression.This has been described as "Golden Period" for Jews!
But the Golden Period was just a flash of light as Hitler started Shoah against this kind!!Millions of Jews were killed in Poland,Europe and North Africa.It was high time they got a land of their own(and the sacred land) but the Muslims won't give up an inch of Palestine(as we love Kashmir).UN intervened(under the influence of the Americans and the Bristish) and in 1948 Jewish state within then-present Palestinian land was formed and many Arab-Israel wars have been fought since then.
Israel has been constantly provided diplomatic and military aid by U.S.
Truly,I think this conflict will never be resolved unless U.S. intervenes because only U.S. has maintained that level of comfort with this panick-stricken over-aggresive state who's acting like a kid with a knife with all its resources and at a wrong time !!Leadership change in both U.S. and Israel has shown a new ray of hope
Israel has to stop building permanent settlements on the disputed land and bombarding innocent citizens is never going to make them any less hated leave along have cordial relations with their neighbors.Islamic countries have to come together(Saudi-Arabia and U.A.E.) not to wage a war or a holy war but for a diplomatic dialogue along with the U.S.(which has to stop pampering Israel) Lets remember Hatred begets hatred begets hatred!!

1 comment:

Ashish said...

It sounds pessimistic..but I feel, the conflict will never ever has the same religious shit with lot of jackasses as leaders and their followers who have it flowing in their blood, nobody can draw it out from that blood...its all about lack of positivism in anthropological path. Every crisis is an opportunity for a capitalist, US is doing the same! no surprise...